Easily redirect visitors to a locale based on their country of origin
Recover abandoned Commerce carts, and increase sales!
LDAP access control for Craft
Partial refund handling for Craft Commerce
Add order notes for Commerce
Upload large files, safely.
Mass export PDF invoices in one go.
Quickly move to the next or previous Commerce order in line.
Attach Craft Commerce invoices as PDF to order emails
Run an affiliate or partner-program with Craft
Use Imgix with Craft
Write reports with Twig
Handle payments in Craft Commerce with Klarna Checkout
Warm up your cache with a single request.
Integrates with Uptime Robot to monitor the health of your Craft site.
Send notifications to Slack when someone places an order, a entry is created, or something else happens
A fieldtype that let you select templates from your entry.
Generate CSV and XLS files in your templates
Allows you to use Faker to output random fake data in your templates.
Log Craft errors/exceptions to Bugsnag.
Enrich user profiles by turning their e-mail address into a complete person or company profile with over 85 actionable data points
Invalidate your cached assets on CloudFront.
Lettering.js ported to Craft CMS
Sweet relational data forms with Airtable
Fieldtype that allows you to create random things via chance.js
Pretransform any Assets on save, with Imager
Marketing automation with MailChimp, for Craft & Commerce.
Use SharedCount.com to fetch statistics about shares/likes from multiple services in one call.
Smooth search with Algolia!
Allow a Craft user to be logged in to Shopify through Multipass
Use PHP SmartyPants to apply a handful of nice typography rules to text.
Generate the SRI (Subresource Integrity Hash) for remote JS/CSS files.
Simple URL shortening
Allow you to generate users en masse, simply.
Uses WorldTime.io to fetch timezone information about the visitors ip.
Configurable redirect after logging out
Fieldtype that allow you to input a price in multiple currencies.
Use Embed.ly to fetch information and embed content from 250+ services.
Lets you embed screenshots of webpages via the URL2PNG API.
Automatically sync your Craft Commerce shop with Fiken
Triggers an event for entries when they are published
Disables Stripe receipt e-mail when using Stripe with Commerce.
Integrate Crisp.im with Craft
Integrate Olark with Craft
Integrate Drift.com with Craft
Integrate Chatra easily with Craft
Send messages to Pushover, from Craft
Restrict access to the CP based on a IP whitelist
Use CrawlerDetect to detect 1.000's of bots/crawlers/spiders in Craft.
Integrate Bring/Posten with Craft Commerce
Integrate Intercom easily with Craft
Single Sign-On for Discourse
Send newsletters, 100x cheaper
Clean up those complex templates with Laravel Collections
Let's you create short URLs that applies and tracks coupons in Commerce.
Store Credits for Commerce
Sell subscriptions with user seats. Currently supports Charge.
Use Postmen.com for shipping estimates and label generation
Quick and easy payments with Vipps in Craft Commerce
Currently available for Craft consulting and custom plugin development